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Preview 버전부터 소스를 컴파일 하여 프로젝트에 사용해 왔는데 MySQL C API 를 사용하는 것 보다 사용하기 편하였다.

JDBC 구조를 사용하여 JDBC를 사용해 본 사람에게는 보 다 더 가깝께 느껴질 수 있다.

1.0.4 Beta 버전 부터 각 플랫폼의 컴파일러 마다 생성된 Binary를 지원해서 소스를 컴파일 해서 사용해야하는 불편이 사라졌다.

그전에는 정적라이브러리에서 문제가 있어 보였는데 정식판을 어떠한지 확인을 해 보아야 겠다.

MySQL Connector/C++ 1.0.5 GA (21.04.2009)
  • Changed the interface of sql::ConnectionMetaData, sql::ResultSetMetaData and sql::ParameterMetaData to have a protected destructor. In this way the client code doesn't need, and won't be able, to destruct the metadata objects returned by the connector. The connector will handle their destruction. This enables statements like: connection->getMetaData->getSchema(); without the result of leaking memory because we lost the pointer returned by getMetaData(). (Lawrin, Andrey)
  • Large overhaul of the code to improve the memory management to not leak in exceptional situations. Big improvement compared to Beta1. (Andrey)
  • Fixed the interface of sql::Driver and sql::Connection so they accept the options map by alias instead of by value. (Andrey)
  • Changed the return type of sql::SQLException::getSQLState() from std::string to const char
  • to be consistent with std::exception::what(). (Andrey)
  • Implemented getResultSetType() and setResultSetType() for Statement. Used are TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, which means unbuffered result set and TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, which means buffered result set. (Andrey)
  • Implemented getResultSetType() for PreparedStatement. The setter is not implemented because currently PreparedStatement can't do refetching and storing the result means the bind buffers will be correct. (Andrey)
  • Added "defaultStatementResultType" to MySQL_Connection::setClientOption() as an option. Also the method now returns `sql::Connection *`. (Andrey)
  • Added Result::getType() and implemented it in the three result set classes.(Andrey)
  • Enabled tracing functionality when building with VC8 and up (VS2005 and up). (Andrey)
  • Added better support for named pipes, on Windows. Use pipe:// and add the path to the pipe. Shared memory connections are currently not supported. (Andrey)
  • Fixed a bug in MySQL_Connection::setSessionVariable() which led to exception being thrown. (Andrey)

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'Dev Story' 카테고리의 다른 글

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SQLite 3.6.12 Library  (0) 2009.04.02
Posted by NeoDreamer
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