MySQL 의 C++ Connector 가 1.0.2 Alpha 버전을 공개하였다.

이번 버전에서 수정된 내용

MySQL Connector/C++ 1.0.2 Alpha (19. December 2008)
  • Adding test/unit as a basis for general unit tests based on the new test framework, see test/unit/example for basic usage examples (Ulf)
  • Fixed MySQL_PreparedStatement::setBlob() to really work. In the tests there is a simple example of a class implementing sql::Blob. (Andrey)
  • Addition of a new unit test framework for JDBC compliance and regression testing. We now include our JDBC compliance tests in the releases (Lawrin)
  • Implemented MySQL_ResultSetMetaData::getPrecision() and MySQL_Prepared_ResultSetMetaData::getPrecision(),updating example. (Andrey)
  • Fixing bug in FLOAT handling. (Andrey)
  • Fixing bug in getString(): getString() is binary safe now (Andrey), new example. (Ulf)
  • Fixing bugs in MySQL_PreparedStatements: setBigInt() and setDatetime() have decremented the internal column index before forwarding the request. This resulted in double-decrement and wrong internal column index. Typical error message: setString() ... invalid "parameterIndex" (Ulf)
  • Adding PHP script examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php to filter the output of the debug trace. Please see the inline comments for documentation. This script is unsupported! We do no promise to maintain it. (Ulf)
  • Fixed bugs in MySQL_DatabaseMetaData :all supportsCatalogXXXXX methods were returning `true` and all supportSchemaXXXX methods false, which is not as it should be. Now it is reversed, to be consistent with the rest. (Andrey)
  • Implemented MySQL_PreparedStatement::clearParameters(). (Andrey)
  • Fixed a bug in MySQL_ConnectionMetaData::getColumns() which was performing a cartesian product of the columns in the table times the columns matching columnNamePattern. example/connection_meta_schemaobj.cpp extended to cover the function. (Andrey)
  • Fixed lame bug in MySQL_ConnectionMetaData::getIndexInfo() which did not work because the schema name wasn't included in the query sent to the server. (Andrey)
  • Implemented MySQL_PreparedStatement::setNull(). (Andrey)
  • Reverted implementation of MySQL_DatabaseMetaData::getTypeInfo(). Now unimplemented. In addition, removed cppconn/datatype.h for now till we havea proper implementation of the types.
  • DATE, DATETIME and TIME are now being handled when calling MySQL_PreparedResultSet::getString(), ::getDouble, ::getInt(), ::getLong(), ::getBoolean()
  • Fixed MySQL_PreparedStatementResultSet::getDouble() to return proper value when the underlying type is MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT. (Andrey)
  • Changed ResultSetMetaData::getColumnDisplaySize(), ::getPrecision(), ::getScale() to return unsigned int instead of signed int. (Andrey)
  • Implemented getScale(), getPrecision() and getColumnDisplaySize() for MySQL_ResultSetMetaData and MySQL_Prepared_ResultSetMetaData. (Andrey)
MySQL Connector/C++ Webpage
Posted by NeoDreamer
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